Dear all, i am damn busy dis lately..
major semester + preparation for my big day + not feeling well.. :(
will update my blog soon!
still in raya mood.. n open house invi! hehe..
seronok plak die tgk Me pkai mask ni..huhu..
Peace H1N1..go away k? =)
Pari + SotoNg..YUMMY!!
Perut dah kenyang..n SHOPPING time!
Mr. Ariff yg comel bwkkn ME handbag! hehe.. lenguh.. =)
Dah puas pusing2..we go to My Mom's salon..Ariff wants to get his haircut..
till here..
Sehari bersama Montel saye.. =)
Mendaki ke convocation hall..huhu..panas n jauh.. =(
xpe..for u FIERA..n thanx to My Ariff yg sanggup melayan..hehe..xbg pg sorg2 kan? =p
MIne Insya Allah next year! yay!
Beautiful Sisterss..
Half of them.. =)
Left: Mama , Right: Ayah
da entrance.. dis pic mmg specially for me.. huhu..
nevermind..well, ayah did promised will bring me there! =)
thanx a million to Ayah n Mama..da BEST bday present ever!