"My first time experienced Threading"
For all dis while xpenah try xpenah tepk nk buat threading..tp suddenly rase nk try sbb smue kwn2 said its better than shave, pluck or waxing.. Me ni mmg bukan jenis yg rajin membelek wajah n paling xrajin nak facial ke pg eyebrow trimming ke ape ke.. ape tah lagi berdandan dan ber make up..kalau make up pun just bit of bedak enuff.. my face cant stand thick make up for long.. huhu.. rimas! slame ni trim pun kt my mom's place.. alang2 dh dok melepak kt ctu tadah je la muke dieorg trim kan..hehe..trim eyebrow ni pun sbb my eyebrow sgt2 la semak.. n bile lame xtrim ade je yg tegur "Babe, ur face looks like a virgin!" haha..
So, for 24 years xpnah try threading and ni me first experienced.. mmg la sakit.. a bit pedih la.. rase mcm kene pluck laju2 and bnyk2 at the same time..huhu..tp tmpt ni mmg pro gile.. it takes 3 minutes only for them nak threading me eyebrow and upper lips! teruja..hehe.. this place at Bangsar.. some where at Telawi bape ntah i'm not sure.. me dear kazen Kak Tasha yang bring me there..coz die memang rajin pg ctu.. and frankly, keje dieorg ni sgt2 kemas n me sgt2 puas hati dgn me eyebrow yg sgt kemas n upper lips yg sgt licin.. tp kene thn sket la.. huhu.. Like me baby sister Zetty always said.. "No pain No beauty" haha..
Here's the video recorded by Zetty.. and me rase after dis i will stick to this method la for removing me eyebrow and any hair kt me body.. hehe.. ehem.. except for "dat" la of coz! hihi.. and dis time me Mr. fiance nak ikut skali tgk sbb die pun teruja! =)