Daisypath Wedding tickers

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

UpdatiNg.. =)

August 22nd, 2009


Dah start Ramadhan br teringat baju Ariff xhantar tailor lg!! hehe..
xtau nak anta mane dah so jln2 kt plaza MPK survey2 tailor..

sure dat place damn pack! a lot of peeps..


1st time pkai Mask! hehe.. n captured by Ariff..

seronok plak die tgk Me pkai mask ni..huhu..

Peace H1N1..go away k? =)


UpdatiNg.. =)

August 9th, 2009

~Wedding Exhibition at MVEC~

"Kak Long, esk ade wedding exhibition kt MV..go n check some stuff..do survey! GO..jgn malas..ask Ariff to come along..u all go dating k?"

( SMS from my mom..Pn.Hanita Haron..ayat nak soh g exhibition..hehe..nk up dating je.. =p )

So, around 12 kami pun gerak la ke MV.. i'm the driver coz Ariff said "its time for me to rest darling..i'm retired be urs..hehe.." =)

Damn pack!! so, trus pg smue booth2 yg ade collect all da pamphl
et..hehe..for u MAMA..

Then we had lunch at Oasis Food Court..Bestest Ikan Bakar ever!! yay!

Pari + SotoNg..YUMMY!!


Perut dah kenyang..n SHOPPING time!

Mr. Ariff yg comel bwkkn ME handbag! hehe.. lenguh.. =)

Dah puas pusing2..we go to My Mom's salon..Ariff wants to get his haircut..

till here..

Sehari bersama Montel saye.. =)


Thursday, August 13, 2009

UpdatiNg.. =)

August 8th, 2009


Congrats to My dearie FIERA!!

Mendaki ke convocation hall..huhu..panas n jauh.. =(
xpe..for u FIERA..n thanx to My Ariff yg sanggup melayan..hehe..xbg pg sorg2 kan? =p

MIne Insya Allah next year! yay!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm Back.. =)

Demam dah baik.. wee~

CLASS dah start..

n now time for get busy..hehe..

2nd Last Semester Insya Allah..

n now My Ariff pulak not feeling well.. sian montel..

Get Well Soon Darling! Shop..shop..shop.. =)