Daisypath Wedding tickers

Friday, March 5, 2010

Ooh My Versace! =(

My 20th birthday present from my luvly Aunty Gee! Mase dpt ni Me melompat2 keriangan..sgt2 terkejut n unexpected! =) Luff u Aunty Gee.. but, even br 4 thn as mine n disebabkan Me yg agak ganas then tali die putus! huhu.. rase nak nanges tp its too late.. so Me decide nak pegi tuka tali..berangan2 sebelum tau harga tali tu.. hehe.. dan akhirnye lupekan saja la angan2 tu sbb harga die agak buat Me heart attack! huhu.. Aunty Gee syg..i cant afford to change it myself.. it cost almost ...thousand! huhu..

The reason why these thng so precious to me! Goldplated.. =)

Inilah rupa tali yg putus tu.. =(

and coz of otak geliga my Mr.Fiance, kami just hantar tuka tali ni dekat kdai jam biase je.. dgn memujuk hati yg lara ni.. "xpela yang, ade rezeki kite tukar yg ori k?" *wink* dengan cost hanya 60 ringgit terubat jugaklah hati ni nak pakai My only V ni balik..=)

Taddaaa!! ini la hasilnye.. walaupun kurang menarik compare to the real one and agak sedih ngn rupe ni..but i stilll loovveee u My V! =)

Even i still got a few of other branded watch dis one is soo special to me.. a gift from the one who inspire me.. Fauziah Haron~ *hugs*



lyana said...

ouh wow!!

agak-agak how much does it cost? mesti mahal mengila @.@ but anyhoooo its sooooo soooo sooooo perfectly super nais!

p/s : happy belated birthday wanie, forgot to wish u..wish u joy n happiness and cepat-cepat kawin ok.

waniezahar said...

babe, birthday aku may 26th la syg.. hehe..