Daisypath Wedding tickers

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello 2010


New year n new status.. actually i'm not feeling well dat nite.. demam!! Dan menurut perintah yang Ariff ddk umah diam2 rest so mmg xde pape plan pun..but then tgh on9 fb nmpk plak status2 posted by my sis n kazen "no new year eve for me dis year" hehe..kesian..so ME n Ariff decide utk keluar celebrate..gagahkan jugak diri ini walaupun pening sgt2..+ Ariff sgt2 excited dgn his new baby tu..n dh mcm tradition new year every year mmg ME and Ariff yg bwk all my kazens n sis watching bunga api n street party at Curve..so we decide to bring them there again! hehe.. not having so much fun sbb pack n pening n batuk n lemas..huhu.. and Ariff always be by my side to "shooh! shooh!" semak2 to reduce my level of rimas.. hehe..and end of the night suare jadi husky effect snow spray tu! huhu.. enjoy the pic peeps!

Just arrived..n badly flu!

Middle of the party..damn sweating!

Yang berjaya memujuk! hehe.. Loads of luff!



ezy said...

demam2 pun look sweeeeet jgak!hmmmmmm

waniezahar said...

hehe.. tang mane sweetnye ezy.. pucat tu! huhu..

fininfinty said...

ala cian dia demam...